Monday, December 30, 2019

Marketing Plan For A Company Headquarters Essay - 1958 Words

Mission Statement: This product is for all consumers at any age. The product should help not only keep track of your fitness and sleep but also help you create a better schedule for your own health. This is wearable tech that will keep track of workouts, steps, and all manner of sleep. This technology will make it easier for everyone to sleep the right amount of time every night. Company Information: This company headquarters is in San Francisco we are a globe leader in wearable tech. the company was founded December 1, 1999 by the CEO Hosain Rahman and Alexander Asseily founded this company at Stanford. The founders had a huge role in the creation and development of this company they started it from the ground up. The company has been hiring many employees from the start now the number is unknown it is believed to be somewhere in the thousands. Growth of the company: This new product that we are trying to create will change the way people see how they live. Right now, at we are revising one of our product that focuses more on sleep. For many years, there has been substantial growth. The product that we have been developing have helped many people understand what they need to do to be more health. We are working hard every day to change the way that you and everyone looks at health. We have had a lot of success with many of our products over the years and many people rave about how well our products work. The jawbone up has been used effectively by the public to help growShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Chief Role Of Chief Financial Officer952 Words   |  4 Pagesthree former Coffee Hut associates. Over the next few years, GC3 expanded into Cincinnati and Cleveland, but have kept Columbus as their regional headquarters. Moving forward, GC3 grew with the purchase of Great Scoops and DaDeli. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Philosophy of the Mind - 2347 Words

The Philosophy of Mind Introduction The philosophy of body and mind has been a highly debated topic since its launch in the 17th centaury by Rene Descartes. Since then, many philosophers have written on the subject matter and many theories have emerged as a product of this lively debate. In this essay, I will analyze and critique a selection of philosophers who ponder on the body-mind topic since the 17th century, and ultimately evaluate Paul M. Chruchland’s claim that folk psychology should be eliminated and replaced by completed neuroscience. For the purpose of this essay it is important to set the defying parameters of folk psychology, as there are 3 working definitions of folk psychology†¦show more content†¦For instance, a dry sensation in the throat would indicate thirst and a grumbling sensation in the stomach hunger etc. Lastly, the following quote makes an interesting connection to a recent discovery: â€Å"I am now awake, and see some truth; but since my vision is not yet clear enough, I will deliberately fall asleep so that my dreams may provide a true and clearer representation.† (Cottingham, 223). Here Descartes’ view of the mind over the body is evident but a connection could also be made to an interesting scientific discovery, Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). DMT is a hormone in the brain, only secreted during birth, dreams, and death. Besides its presence in the brain, DMT is also found in plants. Doctor Rick Strassman researched DMT extensively throughout the late 1900’s and even applied it to test subjects to observe results. He found that the secretion of DMT causes a state where one’s connection to reality as we know it, the physical laws of nature, are abandoned completely, a state of being where one is confronted by the unconscious mind. â€Å"DMT allows contact with dark matter or parallel universes, Strassman argues that DMT must have provided an adaptive advantage to our ancestors in allowing access to alternate states of consciousness and thus perhaps greater problem-solving abilities and greater creativity.†(Flores 2002). Being qua being perhaps, asShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophy Of Mind And The Body1646 Words   |  7 PagesPhilosophy of mind had come across when philosophers had an idea of the concepts regarding the human mind and its mysteries. 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Anyone can deduce principles and devise practices that enhance andRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Mind By Paul Churchland1327 Words   |  6 PagesPhilosophy of Mind In contemporary philosophy of mind, talk of perception has fallen out of favour. Indeed most writers to deny perception altogether, or claim that they do not matter. Instead they reduce perception to reality, or speak of the â€Å"really real.† Perception are said to be â€Å"nothing but† particles or waves or structured brain events. â€Å"Always already† â€Å"Nothing but† matter and motion. One influential philosopher of mind, Paul Churchland in his book The Engine of Reason, The Seat of the SoulRead MoreA Study on Leibnizs Philosophy of Mind696 Words   |  3 PagesAccording to Liebniz, perception and consciousness cannot possibly be explained mechanically, and, hence, could not be physical processes, (Kulstad, 2007). Liebnizs philosophy of mind point of view contrasts directly with that of modern science, which can easily reduce the phenomena of mind to the brain. We might think that the mind is not identical to the brain if we ascribe to a metaphysi cal perspective like that of Liebniz. There are human experiences that cannot be reduced to materialism aloneRead MoreAnalytic Functionalism As A Philosophy Of The Mind1247 Words   |  5 PagesFunctionalism as a Philosophy of the Mind In an attempt to bridge the gaps between the philosophy of behaviorism and the identity theory, I have determined that functionalism presents us with the best solution. Although there are several concerns to the methodic explanation of mental states, I believe that analytic functionalism is a credible model that describes the mind. Analytic functionalism establishes an ontological method that provides more acceptable ways to describe and characterize the mind. I willRead More Transcendentalism: The Philosophy Of The Mind Essay example1046 Words   |  5 PagesTranscendentalism: The Philosophy of the Mind nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Transcendentalism is the view that the basic truth of the universe lies beyond the knowledge obtained from the senses, a knowledge that transcendentalists regard as the mere appearance of things (Adventures 162). Transcendentalists believe the mind is where ideas are formed. The transcendentalist ideas of God, man, and the universe were not all original, but were a combination of other philosophies and religions. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;OneRead MoreAristotle s Philosophy Of The Mind And Soul1176 Words   |  5 PagesDustin Nelson Professor Kolb Ancient Philosophy 18 Nov 2014 To understand Aristotle’s philosophy of the mind and soul, one must begin with his concepts of change, epistemology, and nature. 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This is the view that the mind and body are understood to be seperate and distinct from each other, but in some way causally connected. Descartes was no exception and believed the mind and body to be two completely different

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Parent’s Role in Children’s Education Essay Free Essays

COURES CODE: CS 1111, Registration No: 1212129, NAME: TALHASHAKEEL, SECTION: BS/CS1-A ROLE OF PARENTS IN CHILDREN EDUCATION Parents are their children’s first teachers. It is from parents that children learn about their culture, values, and language. Parents play a very valuable role in their children’s education in and out of the classroom. We will write a custom essay sample on Parent’s Role in Children’s Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Because of this reason, parents need to take on the challenge and provide their children the tools they will need in order to be successful in school and life. Education does not only involve acquiring academic qualifications it also    involves learning how to be a productive member of society, it involves how to behave in social settings, it involves learning how to figure everyday problems, and so much more. By talking to their children, parents can help them increase their vocabulary, they help their children in their receptive and expressive language, and they help their children feel empowered. Also, parents that talk with their children build lasting positive and strong relationships. A basic role of parents is to provide physical security for their children. Medical attention is one of the components of a physically secure environment. Another role of the parent is to provide intellectually stimulating environments. There are two things parents can do to help their children. The first is to read to their children every day and the second is to expose their children to many different things. Parents can provide great experience for their children. For instance, reading with or to their children is an excellent activity. Reading increases vocabulary, reading at home can help children learn to enjoy reading and increase reading ability. Parents can take trips to museums in order to increase interest and knowledge of children. Parents have a great deal of responsibility. They are their children’s first teacher. It is from parents, children can learn their culture, social skills, life skills, and get exposed to many experiences. Parents must be willing to take on the challenge of exposing their children How to cite Parent’s Role in Children’s Education Essay, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Design and Implementation of Security †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Design and Implementation of Security. Answer: Introduction Inter networkingdeals with the data transfer in the communicated network with communication devices and the protocols. Internet is a set of collected communication networks with many inter connections of bridges, routers and switches. Bridge is the intermediate service used to connect two LANs with LAN protocols. Similarly, the WANs also can be connected with their respective protocols. Router is the device which connects two similar or different type networks [6]. Analyse and discuss the significance of internetworking for GITAM University. The plan is to analyse and address the star up issues with the University. It is related to their network design, inter networking and implementation process. Since the University is going to have highly distributed, heterogeneous and globalised set of branches across the area hence a comprehensive system of network is designed to maintain their connectivity without any interruption. The network topology is chosen initially and designed as per their requirements. Network is designed in order to provide 100% availability with time. Efforts are made to maintain the network availability in wide adverse situations of link failure, equipment failure and overload conditions. Network designed to support tremendous traffic loads with the time. Design is carried out with consistent application response time. Protection is provided against unexpected security incidents. The important necessity to build the network includes proper network topology, router, wireless adaptor through which all their systems are internally connected. In this model, there are two basic type of networks. One is unknown network and the other one is trusted network. The protocol of the trusted network is known but the untrusted network is not known. Hence we cannot communicate or initiate the network connection with them. There are two routers. One is an internal router and the external router [4]. To design, plan and develop IT network infrastructure for GITAM University. The purpose of the project is to design network in such a manner so that it can enable nearly thousands of users at the same time to access the internet. It is planned to design the network that will provide at the speed of 2Mbps down load and 1 Mbps upload. Main Basic hardware requirements to form a network Some of the hard ware requirements are given below Repeaters, Radio: 900 MHz to 925 MHz, Certification: FCC Certification. Range: 1 mile. LED is used for power. Bi-color is used for Power state. Green: AC Power, Red: No AC power, Off no power. LED-Status Bi-color, this is regarding network status and the quality of Link Green: Link Quality 64 Orange: LQ between 30 and 63 Red: LQ between 0 and 29 Internetworking Protocols The link should be established between the networks. The link may be wired or wireless network. The network may be of similar or different types. It should have the link layer and the minimum physical layer. Software model and analysis: The following three models are necessary for the above-selected case study. As the university is the private building large number of private networks are necessary. These private connections were distributed through out the university. The university may take the lease option and the rental basis of network allotment. The guest wifi is very important in the wifi model because it will create the impression on the university for the guests. So this has to be maintained and well connected throughout the university with high speed. This is an area where the most band width with higher traffic is observed. Hence it must be maintained properly. The huge number of student and the staff population were found in this region. Network diagram is shown including server, router, switches and PCs on Netsim. There are many updates that have been seen in the Netsim 9 parent application. There has been multiple monitor that can be used simultaneously [2]. NetSim has various libraries in which the necessary commands are used for the particular applications whenever necessary [3]. The print screen of the design layout of the university network design has been shown in this section after carrying out certain network interconnection trail session using this Netsim tool. The next step is to run the simulation. The output must be analysed at every level of the network. The errors must be checked and debugged. The delay must be reduced and the loss must be avoided without packet errors. Export the graphs and the data for analysis. Frame Relay switches The core switches are showing in the above. The main traffic that passes depends upon the switch from the server to PCs or ISP to PCs. Network Configuration Process During the installation of the operating system the network software installation takes place. A certain IP configuration parameters are used in the appropriate files tat are stored. They are stored in such a way that they can be read at the boot time [2]. After the completion of building the entire network, it is required to make sure for the testing of the equipment and the performance monitoring of the entire network for the specific range of duration. Before starting the complete set up, it is required to test the entire network performance [1]. This will have the best internet facility for all kind of people like the staff, visitors, guests and students. The virus attacks must be watched carefully with restricting the bad websites and providing the high data rates for the internet users. References A. Dingli and J. Mifsud, "Useful: A framework to mainstream web site usability through automated evaluation." International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI), vol. 2, p. 10, 2011. F. Akyildiz, T. Melodia and R. Chowdhury, Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks: Applications and Testbeds. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 96, no. 10, pp. 1588-1605, 2008. S. Alabady. Design and Implementation of a Network Security Model using Static VLAN and AAA Server. In Proceedings International Conference on Information Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, ICTTA, 2008. Q. Ali and S. Alabady. Design and Implementation of A Secured Remotely Administrated Network. In Proceedings International Arab Conference on Information Technology, ACIT, 2007. J. Janitor, F. Jakab and K. Kniewald, Visual Learning Tools for Teaching/Learning Computer Networks: Cisco Networking Academy and Packet Tracer. Networking and Services (ICNS), 2010 Sixth International Conference on , vol., no., pp.351,355, 7- 13 March 2010. D. Petcu, B. Iancu, A. Peculea, V. Dadarlat, and E. Cebuc, Integrating Cisco Packet Tracer with Moodle platform: Support for teaching and automatic evaluation, Networking in Education and Research. RoEduNet International Conference 12th Edition , vol., no., pp.1,6, 26-28 Sept. 2013